
6 Tax Tips For Real Estate Investors in Tulsa

6 Tax Tips For Real Estate Investors in Tulsa

Here are 6 tax tips for real estate investors in Tulsa. Taxation on income is a given, by making the right moves, you can lessen the impact to your bottom line. Using tax laws to your advantage can maximize the returns that you will realize on your investments. 


Proper planning prevents poor performance, most especially when it comes to organizing your investment business. As a real estate investor, you will want to seek out a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), through recommendations if possible. you will want to select a CPA with experience in this sector of the market that can offer guidance which places you in a position of optimizing your holdings in Tulsa. You should plan to work closely with your CPA, in order to create a plan that is specific to meeting the needs of your circumstances.


Every decision you make with your real estate investing business should be done with the consideration of what you can write-off, especially when your goal is to take full advantage of any tax tips for real estate investors in Tulsa. Depreciation, the amount of value the property losses due to wear and tear over time, can be deducted as well. There is a specific formula used for residential property and the structure, which is valued over a 27.5 year period, as well as for any fixtures and the appliances for a 15 year period. A CPA can guide you in much fuller detail, basically, any expense associated with the property can be deducted. This includes any interest you may be paying on a mortgage for the property, the expenses of repairs, or even the property taxes.


An experienced CPA can provide you with avenues to qualify for loopholes that help you to avoid taxation on your investment income. The laws vary between residential and commercial real estate, so having an experienced professional on your side is literally worth its weight in gold. You’ll want to take the fullest amount of deductions possible while protecting your assets, so pay careful attention to this tax tip for real estate investors in Tulsa. 


It’s wise not to put all of your investment eggs into one basket, for this reason, another tax tip for real estate investors in Tulsa is to diversify. You’ll want both long and short term investments. Long term investments are those which bring in residual income, while building in equity, made with a holding period of a year or more, such as rental properties. Short term investments would be those which you don’t expect to hold for as long as a year, such as properties intended to be flipped for a quick turnaround. A trusted CPA should be consulted on the direction you focus on with your real estate investments.

1031 Exchange

1031 exchanges, especially when your goal is to take full advantage of any tax tips for real estate investors in Tulsa, allow you to defer taxes on the transaction. Through this vehicle, you can use your equity to purchase another property either equal or greater in value than the one sold. There are time limitations for qualifying, so It would be wise to approach your CPA for a full understanding of deferring taxes in this manner.


Given the plethora of apps and programs that can help you organize your records, it would be wise to explore all of your options, technologically speaking. Your CPA can likely offer guidance in this area as well, as they specialize in knowledge of tax tips for real estate investors in Tulsa. It can’t be overstated, organization is the key to success. While no one enjoys dealing with paperwork, tracking spending, and keeping receipts, practice does make perfect. It becomes easier and easier when you start getting into the habit of organizing with your tax write-offs in mind. Whether you are the ultimate bookkeeper or you hire one to keep your business records up to date, it’s important that you don’t miss out on these opportunities. It requires consistency to keep good records, it can be rather painful to come to the realization that your decision to skip the hassle has caused a negative financial impact. Not only this but by being organized, you will be able to create a report which clearly shows just where you are on the path towards your goals. Likewise, you can use this information to your advantage when making offers on properties, showing you are able to back up your offer easily.

Now that you’ve made your plans and are seeking properties, with the advice of your CPA, it’s time to find those hidden gems, and Oklahoma House Deals has great properties available for you right now!  Begin taking advantage of these tax tips for real estate investors in Tulsa! Learn more about how we can help you by sending our team a message or by giving us a call today! 918-324-3848

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